Your starter pack to break
into Data Science

Our online school for data science is the perfect place
to learn the fundamentals, master data analysis, and
 expand your knowledge of data science. 

Who we are

About Driving Data

We are an online data science course provider, specialized
in giving you all the skills to become a data scientist.

Flexible Courses

No matter what you're doing or where you are, our online courses allow you to learn at your own pace.

Learn from experts

We've assembled the world's top instructors in data science to bring you the most up-to-date content.

Master data analysis

Become an expert in data analysis with our deep dive into understanding the concepts behind this important skill.

Quality, you can trust

We offer courses in data analysis, statistics, machine learning, and so much more.
We also have an award-winning team of experts who will teach you what you need to know.

The Intro course is free

We offer a free 5-hour intro course packed with real-life business cases. This helps you make sure the program is right for you.

Get your portfolio ready

We will help you polish up each of your 6-15 projects so that your portfolio stands out to employers.

Soft skills that'll get you hired

Regular code reviews and live sessions with tutors from the tech industry will give you the soft skills you need to get hired and succeed at work.

Community included

If you are feeling stuck or need help with something, we have a thriving community of professionals on our discussion forums who are happy to lend a hand. You won

Get to know us

The Team

We have a team of instructors made up of professionals from different
fields who share their knowledge to help you get started in data science.

Josh Stobbard

Data Analyst

Bryan Weiner

Business Analyst

Wendy Johnson

Machine Learning Engineer

Our courses

Download Our New App

Create and manage your courses directly from your dashboard and keep your curriculum consistent without feeling overwhelmed.
Write your awesome label here.

Frequently asked questions

What can you offer that I cannot get at other online schools?

With us you will have the opportunity to learn from some of the most notable professionals in the field. We are intricately involved with education across the U.S. Our students regularly participate in local, state-wide, and national workshops and festivals.

Do I need previous experience ?

There’s no need to have any prior knowledge for courses. We'll teach you from the ground up you’ll gain all the knowledge and skills you need to become a data scientist.

How can I choose my courses?

We offer a number of different learning paths, which you are invited to read and choose the one that better meets your needs. However if you need any advice or clarifications, we are at your disposal at any time.

When can I start studying ?

You may enroll any day of the year. Be online and start studying within a matter of seconds after enrolling.

Ready to get started?

Enter your email for early access. Our team will get in touch with you for a personal onboarding
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